Quite often on social media, I will see a post or account that focuses on infidelity in marriage.
What should you do if you cheated on your spouse? What should you do if your spouse cheated on you? How can you trust a cheating spouse again? How can you gain your spouse's trust back after betraying them?
There are lots of questions that can swirl around the topic of infidelity in marriage.
So here is my advice on this issue:
One of the cornerstones of marriage is trust. If there is no trust, you don't have much of a marriage. You are figuratively taking a knife and stabbing your spouse in the back. You are figuratively taking a glass vase and shattering it into a million pieces.
Now there are people out there who will say that a marriage can be stronger than ever after an affair.
That's simply a lie. I'm not sure where that lie came from, but look at it this way...
Can this metaphorical vase that has been broken into a million pieces be put together perfectly and be stronger than before?
I'll let you answer that one.
There is no way of building the trust to a greater level than before the affair. Don't let anyone fool you. It's not possible.
Whether you choose to stay is up to you, but just remember your level of trust will never bounce back to higher levels.
Keep in mind, when someone cheats on their spouse, when we boil things down, they do it because they want to.
Cheating is a choice. There is no such thing as accidental cheating.
Do you want to stay with someone you can't trust?